Can Rabbits Eat Broccoli? – Rabbit Food Expert Advice

Can Rabbits Eat Broccoli?

Can Rabbits eat broccoli? Yes, Rabbits can eat broccoli, But in moderation. Everyone says that broccoli is a good and nutritious vegetable. But a question arises: Is broccoli really a good and healthy food for rabbits? Then, the answer is Yes, Broccoli is a really good and nutritious food for rabbits.

Rabbits like broccoli very much, They are always ready to taste new food. You can serve broccoli to your rabbits as an occasional treat. Broccoli should not be the main food for rabbits. Rabbit’s main food should be the fresh quality hay and grass. You can also serve broccoli leaves and stems to your rabbits. Broccoli leaves can’t generate gas in rabbit’s tummy.

But, when you feed broccoli flowers and stems to your rabbit it can generate gas in the tummy. As we know rabbits a herbivorous animals. we can give fresh fruits and vegetables in a limited amount to loving rabbits, on a daily basis. Overfeeding broccoli can cause health issues.

If your rabbits have any digestive issues, broccoli is not a healthy food for them. If your rabbits have had not any digestive issues in the past then you can have broccoli as a treat. When we feed broccoli to rabbits, we must be aware of the health concerns.

we should eat different types of fruits and vegetables for rabbits. They get other nutrition from these vegetables and fruits. when you feed broccoli to your rabbits, bear in mind moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

Broccoli And Its Nutrition Stats?

Broccoli comes from the cabbage family. You have heard that broccoli is a delicious vegetable all over the world. Broccoli contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Fiber and antioxidants. Fresh broccoli color is dark green. when broccoli age increases it gets yellow in color.

Common varieties of broccoli are Belster, calabrese, Destiny, and green magic. Raw broccoli contains more water. Broccoli is rich in Fiber. Broccoli is also rich in vitamins and minerals. Broccoli lowers the oxidative stress and protects cells. Broccoli is a highly dense and nutritional food for humans and animals too.

According to wikipedia

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) is an edible green plant in the cabbage family (family Brassicaceae, genus Brassica) whose large flowering head, stalk, and small associated leaves are eaten as a vegetable. Broccoli is classified in the Italica cultivar group of the species Brassica oleracea. Broccoli has large flower heads, usually dark green, arranged in a tree-like structure branching out from a thick stalk which is usually light green.

Nutritional value per 100g of Raw broccoli

  • Energy 141KJ (34 Kacl)
  • Carbohydrates 6.64g
  • Sugars 1.7g
  • Dietary fiber 2.6g
  • Fat 0.37g
  • Protein 2.82g

Vitamins and Minerals in Raw Pumpkin

  • Vitamin A – 31μg
  • Vitamin K – 101.6 μg
  • Vitamin C – 89.2 mg
  • Vitamin E – 0.78 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.175 mg
  • Beta carotene – 361 μg
  • Calcium – 47mg
  • Iron – 0.73 mg
  • Magnesium – 21 mg
  • Manganese – 0.21 mg
  • Phosphorous – 66 mg
  • Potassium – 316 mg
  • Zinc – 0.41 mg
  • Sodium – 33 mg
  • Water – 89.3 mg (Other constituents)
  • Lutein zeaxanthin – 1403 μg
broccoli image

Types Of Broccolis Safe for Rabbits?

There are four main types of broccolis out there-

  1. Calabrese broccoli.
  2. White sprouting
  3. Purple sprouting
  4. Broccoli rabe.

All varieties are good for rabbit’s health. Broccoli is known for its high dietary fiber, which is healthy for rabbits. Bear in mind that when we feed broccoli to our loving rabbits quantity should be in moderation. Broccoli is a very nutritious vegetable for rabbits. Look at it before buying broccoli from the market for your loving pet. it should have an organic, crispy, crunchy, and chewy texture.

The broccoli color should be bright green. when you bring out broccoli from the market, you must wash them. Broccoli is rich in Vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. if your rabbits had any digestion issues in the past, then don’t serve broccoli.

You can serve broccoli leaves to your loving rabbits because it generates lease gases. If your loving rabbits do not have these issues then you can serve them but in moderation. when you serve broccoli to your rabbits, keep monitoring them for 24 hours. it’s more important!!!!!

Don’t ever try to feed broccoli to baby rabbits as long as they become 4 months old.

How Can You Safely Introduce Broccoli To Your Rabbit’s Diet?

As stated earlier, Rabbits like broccoli very much. But it this not 100% right that every rabbit likes broccoli. some rabbits like broccoli taste no one likes. some rabbits suffer problems when they eat broccoli. We can’t sum up who is like or not.

If your rabbits have any digestive issues, broccoli is not a good and healthy food for them. you don’t need to serve broccoli at all. If your rabbits do not have any problems, you can easily serve them. But keep in mind, that moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

you need to serve broccoli to your rabbits with leafy greens for the first time. You can serve broccoli to adult rabbits 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. Never try to feed broccoli to baby rabbits. it can cause health problems.

you can start feeding broccoli when they become more than 4 months of age. if your rabbits do not like broccoli then there is no problem. you can feed other fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens.

Do Rabbits Like To Eat Broccoli?

Yes, Rabbits like to eat broccoli. We can’t say all rabbits like broccoli. some rabbits suffer problems when they eat broccoli because of that they do not like this. some rabbits do not like the taste of this veggie.

There a related plants of broccoli such as cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, etc. If your rabbits like to eat these vegetables then definitely they will like broccoli. we need to serve broccoli only to adult rabbits. don’t ever try to serve baby rabbits.

if you are serving broccoli for the first time to your rabbits feed them with leafy greens. you should feed broccoli leaves and thin stems for the first time because it generates less gas than flowers and stems.

if they feel okay after feeding broccoli leaves and stems. Then you need to feed broccoli one tablespoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s weight, once or twice a week.

Source: OneMorePlease YouTube channel

Can Rabbits Have Broccoli?

rabbit eat broccoli

Yes, Rabbits can have broccoli. It is a very nutritious food for their overall health because it contains Vitamins, minerals, fiber antioxidants, etc. Some rabbits like broccoli for its crunchy texture. we can feed broccoli to our loving rabbits.

One thing bear in mind, if your rabbit had any digestive issues in the past then there is no good for that. you can’t serve them broccoli, because it can cause health problems. There is a problem in the cabbage family vegetable it produces gases.

Gussy food is not good for rabbits’ health. when you feed broccoli healthy and adult rabbits, you need to look after them for 24 hours. you need to feed broccoli to your pets with proper guidance. moderation is the key.

Broccoli stalks and florets are also good for rabbit’s dental health.

How Much Broccoli Can a Rabbit Eat?

As we know now, Broccoli is good and nutritious food for our bunnies. They love to eat broccoli. They like broccoli stalks and florets because it is a crispy and crunchy texture. it is also beneficial for rabbit teeth.

Rabbits can eat broccoli per day. But it is not good for their health you need to take care of your loving rabbit. Rabbits’ major food source is good-quality hay and grass. you don’t need to serve vegetables and fruit on a daily basis. Because it can harm bunnies’ digestive systems. you need to feed broccoli with other leafy greens.

you can mix them. This is the best way to feed broccoli to your pets!!!!! You can eat broccoli to your rabbit one tablespoon of 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. Overfeeding broccoli can cause health problems. Do not feed broccoli to baby rabbits.

Should Rabbits Be Given Raw Or Cooked Broccoli?

Rabbits can eat both raw and cooked broccoli. Raw food is more delicious & nutritious than cooked. It would be best if you fed raw broccoli to your rabbits. Because it contains more vitamins and minerals than cooked broccoli.

when we cook any vegetables it changes the structure of vegetables. it burns out the nutrients from the vegetable when we cook it.

According to Food Data Central, 100-gram raw broccoli includes 2.6g of fiber, and cooked broccoli of the same amount contains about 3.3g of fiber.

Keep in mind when you serve broccoli for your rabbits, broccoli should be washed. They contain chemicals or wax that are harmful to rabbits’ health. Keep your broccoli pesticide-free before feeding rabbits.

Proper Guide To Feed Broccoli for Rabbits?

As stated earlier, broccoli is a good and nutritious food for rabbits. We can feed broccoli to rabbits 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of rabbit’s body weight.

Some rabbits like broccoli very much. Some rabbits don’t like broccoli taste. Some rabbits are harmed by eating broccoli. Broccoli is not the main food source for rabbits. I will tell you a proper guide to food broccoli for rabbits.

Whenever you start feeding broccoli to your rabbits. Always give small portions in starting. Keep monitoring them for 24 hours. If they feel uncomfortable, then you need to go veterinarian at once and ask for help. They can feel loss of appetite, lethargy, constipation, and digestive troubles.

Bear in mind that don’t feed other food when you are feeding broccoli to your rabbits. You can mix regular diet leafy greens with broccoli. Keep in mind that never feed too much broccoli to your loving rabbits.

If your rabbits not showing any type of illness you can slightly increase their portions. You always have to keep this in mind when you are feeding broccoli to your pets.

you can start feeding broccoli leaves for the first time rather than broccoli. You have to monitor them for 24 hours. Now I will tell you how to prepare broccoli for your rabbits:-

  1. Firstly, you have to buy broccoli from markets. keep in mind that broccoli should be high quality with organic. organic broccoli is much safer for your rabbits.
  2. Then you need to remove all the chemicals or wax from the broccoli.
  3. After that if you are feeding first time broccoli to your rabbits. you have to cut it in small-sized. (Bear in mind you need to give only 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight).
  4. You can mix it with the rabbit’s daily diet of leafy green.
  5. you always have to give fresh and clean water to your rabbits.

You need to follow these steps if you want to keep healthy to your loving rabbits.

cutting broccoli image

Note: Don’t ever try to feed broccoli to baby and juvenile rabbits. You can feed broccoli to baby rabbits when they become more than 4 months of age.

Is Broccoli Good Or Bad For Rabbit’s Health?

Broccoli is neither good nor bad for rabbits. It depends on how we feed it. As I said before, broccoli is a good nutritious food for rabbits. It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Fiber, antioxidants, etc.

Fiber is a good source for rabbit’s digestive system. When you feed different types of food to your rabbits they get different nutrients. which is good for rabbit’s health. Some rabbits like broccoli too much. Some rabbits don’t like broccoli. if they don’t like broccoli then there is no problem. you can feed other vegetables to your rabbits.

If you feed too much broccoli at a time it can harm your rabbit’s health. So, moderation is a key to rabbit’s health. never try to feed broccoli to baby rabbits.

Broccoli is good food in another way. You know rabbit’s teeth always increase continuously. They need to little bit of hard food to chew in order for their teeth to remain always level. Broccoli is also a good vegetable for rabbit’s teeth.

Broccoli is a gassy vegetable for rabbits. it can harm their digestive system. you need to keep in mind that too much broccoli can cause health issues. Moderation is a key.

Gas is normal for humans but not for rabbits’ health. It could be a fatal disease for rabbits. Veterinarian says broccoli leaves is 100% safe for rabbits rather than broccoli. You can start feeding broccoli leaves for the first time. It is much safer than that!!!!!

Broccoli also contains sugar which is also not good for rabbit’s health. It can cause health problems. Too much sugar increases a rabbit’s weight quickly. always feed broccoli or broccoli leaves to your rabbits in moderation. It is the best method to feed broccoli to your loving pets.

Symptoms Of Your Rabbits In Digestive Discomfort?

These are the symptoms of rabbits when their digestive system discomfort –

  • They feel lethargy.
  • Reduced appetite with faecal output.
  • They don’t live actively like other days.
  • Hard stomach with pain.
  • Respiratory rate increases due to the amount of discomfort.
  • Teeth grinding.
  • They will not give to touch their body parts.
  • Difficulty with breathing.
  • Feel less energetic than usual.

How Can You Tell If a Rabbit Is Having a Bad Reaction To Broccoli?

As we mentioned above, broccoli is a good and nutritious vegetable for adult rabbits. Keep in mind when you feed any new food to your rabbits, Even if it’s broccoli. You need to inspect them for 24 hours. And you have to check if they show some serious problems or not.

If they show some mild problems stop feeding broccoli to your rabbit. And if they have some serious problems like digestive disorders, stomach pain, and also diarrhea. You need to go to a veterinarian and ask for help.

As you know rabbits are herbivorous pets they do not let you know whatever problems they feel. You will have to understand to look at this problem. Generally, They show some common problems like stomach pain, loss of appetite, Gas, lethargy, constipation and not being active as usual.

Always try to avoid gassy vegetables like broccoli for your rabbits. The gassy problem in humans is very normal but not in rabbits. Many rabbits died due to the gassy problems. So never take for granted gassy in rabbits. It is a very fatal disease for rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Broccoli Plants?

Yes, Rabbits can eat broccoli plants. There is you need to understand that some parts are good and some parts are bad for broccoli plants. The best parts of broccoli plants are their leaves and some thinner stems.

you can easily feed broccoli plant leaves to your pet rabbits. it is healthy for your rabbits. Florets and thinner stems are hard to digest for your pet rabbits. You don’t need to feed all parts of broccoli plants. Give them only leaves and some thinner stems.

Keep in mind that give them small portions for the first time, if they don’t show any illness you can slightly increase the portions. Overfeeding can cause health issues. never try to feed broccoli plants to baby rabbits.

Why Do Rabbits Like Broccoli?

Most rabbits like broccoli very much, because broccoli is a crispy meal. Rabbits want to taste different types of foods as humans. Broccoli is one of their favorites.

All rabbits do not like broccoli taste. Broccoli should not be their daily intake. It can cause digestive troubles if you feed daily.

Most rabbits like broccoli’s crispy and crunchy texture. If you feed broccoli to your rabbits in moderation then there is no problem.

Can Bunnies Eat Broccoli?

Don’t ever try to feed broccoli to your bunnies. It is not a healthy food for bunnies’ health. Never try to feed broccoli to your bunnies before 4 months of age. As stated earlier, Broccoli can generate gas in rabbits’s bellies. Until your bunnies are not able to eat fruits or vegetables, don’t try to serve broccoli.

As you know bunnies digestive system is so simple. It can harm their health. Feed your bunnies the food which can generate lease gases in their belly. Bunnies can eat any fruits or vegetables without knowing you. so you must always be aware of their health.

Can bunnies eat broccoli rabe?

Yes, bunnies can eat broccoli rabe. It is good and healthy food for them. Broccoli rabe is generally known for its high calcium elements. Broccoli rabe contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Calcium, and Potassium. It’s all nutritional elements that are good for the rabbit’s health.

If you feed broccoli rabe to your pet rabbits never will be calcium deficiency in their body. Bear in mind that moderation is a key. when you give new food to your rabbits, always try to give small portions in starting.

Can Rabbits Eat Broccoli Leaves?

broccoli with green leaves

Yes, Rabbits can eat broccoli leaves. It is one of their favorite food. Broccoli leaves contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Calcium, Vitamin B6 and Fiber, etc. These all nutrients are good and healthy for rabbit health.

Broccoli leaves are much safer than broccoli stems and stalks. Broccoli leaves generate lease gases in their belly. So, broccoli leaves are good for their health. Keep in mind that when you serve broccoli leaves to your rabbits mix them with other daily diet.

Broccoli leaves should be in moderation. Moderation is the key. Don’t ever try to feed broccoli leaves to baby rabbits before 4 months of age. If you intend to feed broccoli leaves to your bunnies please take advice from a veterinarian.

Can Rabbits Eat Broccoli Stalks/stems/Florets?

Yes, Rabbits can eat Broccoli stalks/stems and florets. It is not harmful to rabbits’ health. Broccoli stems are thicker than broccoli leaves. You can feed stalks and stems to your rabbits in moderation.

Broccoli stems and florets are also good for rabbits’ dental health. when you feed stalks and florets to your rabbits keep monitoring them for 24 hours. Whether they show any illness, especially gases. Don’t feed florets and stems next time.

If they show serious health issues. You should go to a veterinarian at once. Broccoli leaves are much safer than broccoli florets. Never try to feed baby rabbits.

What Can I Feed As a Substitute For Broccoli?

There is a lot of other food for feeding rabbits out there. As you know Hay and grass is the main food source of rabbits. you can feed some fruits and vegetables to your loving rabbits. you can feed 1-2 tablespoons per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. I provide all the foods and vegetables names which is good for rabbits’s health. you can read below

Fruits you can serve 1-2 times per week to your rabbits

  • Watermelon
  • Apple
  • Blueberries
  • Pears
  • Mango
  • Banana
  • Strawberry
  • Grapes
  • Pineapple
  • Avocado
  • Cherries
  • Papaya
  • Pumpkin

Fresh vegetables you can serve once or twice per week

  • Bell peppers
  • Bok choy
  • Carrot tops
  • Cucumber
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Fennel
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Clover
  • Collard greens
  • Radish tops

Best Common Healthy Diet To Feed Your Rabbit?

There a different types of common healthy food for your rabbits out there –

Good Quality Hay Supplies – Rabbit should have a daily diet of mostly hay and grass. It should be the main food source for rabbits. Hay and grass contain Fiber which is good for rabbit’s digestive health. It is a good source for digestion. Hay and grass make strong and healthy to loving rabbits. Ultimate, high-quality grass hay, such as Timothy, orchard, or brome, should make up the world of a rabbit’s diet.

Provide Good Quality Pellets – Some good quality pellets should be in the rabbit’s diet. it is also good for their body’s development. Timothy pellets are one of the recommended pellets for rabbits. Overfeeding pellets can cause health issues for adult rabbits. Don’t feed pellets to baby rabbits. Pellets contain more carbohydrates and are low in calories, so don’t overfeed pellets to your loving rabbits. Moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

Provide Good Quality Leafy Greens – Rabbits want to eat different types of food as humans. Rabbits also like the taste of different foods. You need to add some leafy greens to your rabbit’s diet. It also helps in the overall development of the body. You need to add leafy greens which have fewer carbohydrates and more fiber. Carrot tops, bok choy, basil, beet greens, and broccoli greens can be good quality leafy greens for your rabbits. Whenever you are feeding different types of leafy greens it should be in small portions. you have to keep monitoring them for 24 hours.

Provide Good Quality Fruits – Fruits are a good Food source for rabbit’s health. Keep in mind Fruits contain more sugar so, you need to feed in moderation. 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. Watermelon, apples, bananas, pears, and mangoes are also good for rabbits.

Provide Fresh Water – Rabbits like to live clean & fresh all the time. so you need to give fresh water 24/7. It is the healthier way of living life for rabbits.

Source –

rabbit with grass image


can rabbits eat broccoli sprouts?

Yes, rabbits can eat broccoli sprouts. It is a safe food for rabbits and helps to grow overall health development.

is it safe for rabbits to eat broccoli?

Yes, broccoli is a safe vegetable for rabbits when you feed it in moderation. Broccoli contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Fiber, and antioxidants all these nutrients are beneficial for them.

is broccoli bad for rabbits?

Broccoli is not bad and toxic for rabbits. Broccoli becomes bad when you overfeed your adored rabbits. Moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

can rabbits eat broccoli every day?

No broccoli is not recommended every day for rabbits. Feed once or twice per week with regular vegetables and leafy greens.

Chinese broccoli for rabbits?

Kai Lan is the Cantonese name for Chinese broccoli. It is very safe to eat for rabbits because it contains more fiber and nutrients.

is broccoli healthy for rabbits?

Yes, broccoli is healthy for adult rabbits when you feed it in moderation. Broccoli contains more fiber which helps to keep a healthy digestive system in rabbits.


Broccoli is a very healthy and nutritious vegetable for both humans and animals. Broccoli belongs to the cabbage family, this family vegetable increases gas in rabbits’ tummy. So we need to be careful before feeding broccoli to our rabbits. Always feed in moderation. The key is moderation.

If your rabbits had any digestive issues in the past then avoid feeding broccoli to your rabbits. Feed broccoli only to healthy rabbits. Never try to feed broccoli to baby rabbits before 4 months of age. It can cause health issues.

Bear in mind, when you start feeding broccoli to your loving rabbits start with small portions. 1 tablespoon of 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. Feed them only once or twice per week.

I hope this article covers all the health benefits, health issues, and feeding guides related to broccoli veggies. Read this article and keep healthy and happy to your loving rabbits.

If you have any queries don’t hesitate to comment below. Feel free to share with all who want to keep their rabbits healthy and happy. Rabbits’ health is in only your hands.

Thank you For reading the full article!!!!!

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