Can Rabbits Eat Cilantro? – Complete Health Guide & Issues

Can Rabbits Eat Cilantro?

Can Rabbits eat cilantro? Yes, Rabbits can eat cilantro. Cilantro is one of the nutrients herbs for rabbits. It contains many vitamins and minerals, which is good for rabbit’s health. Cilantro is one of their favorite herbs.

As we know everything has a positive and negative side. Cilantro is also a positive and negative side. You can feed cilantro to your rabbits without hesitation. There is a most essential thing you need to understand. whenever you start feeding cilantro to your rabbits begin with a small portion. Because moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

By the way, cilantro is used all over the world. It is used for cooking and medicine purposes. When you add cilantro to any food. It increases the relish Really!!!!! Cilantro should not be the main food source for rabbits. You can add cilantro to another nutrition source for rabbits.

Which is also important for rabbit’s health. Rabbit’s main food source should be good quality hay and grass with fresh water. It gets all the nutrition from this whatever they need in a day.

In this article we will tell you health benefits, health issues, and feeding guides, You need to know all the things before feeding cilantro to your rabbits.

Source: Know Your Rabbit YouTube channel

Extra Information About Cilantro?

Do you know cilantro is the fresh leaves of the coriander plant? It belongs to the Apiaceae family. The scientific name of coriander plants is Coriandrum sativum.

Cilantro is generally known as an herb and coriander plant with herbal plants. All parts are edible from coriander plants. Fresh leaves and seeds are used generally in cooking.

It contains Vitamins, Calcium, and water. Cilantro has a strong aromatic scent. Cilantro has many health benefits you need to know. Cilantro has more antioxidants which helps to reduce inflammation and skin aging.

Cilantro is also good for heart disease, lowering blood sugar, and fighting infections. Cilantro and cilantro seeds both are good for good health.

cilantro image

According to Wikipedia

Raw coriander leaves are 92% water, 4% carbohydrates, 2% protein, and less than 1% fat (table). The nutritional profile of coriander seeds is different from that of fresh stems or leaves. In a 100-gram (3+12 oz) reference amount, leaves are particularly rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K, with moderate content of dietary minerals (table). Although seeds generally have lower vitamin content, they do provide significant amounts of dietary fiber, calcium, selenium, iron, magnesium, and manganese.[30]

According to Wikipedia, 100g of cilantro contains these nutrients-

Energy95KJ (23 kcal)
Carbohydrates 3.67 g
Sugars0.87 g
Dietary fiber2.8 g
Fat0.52 g
Protein2.13 g

Vitamins and minerals in 100g cilantro.

Vitamin A337 μg
Vitamin B60.149 mg
Vitamin C27 mg
Vitamin E2.5 mg
Vitamin K310 μg
Calcium67 mg
Iron1.77 mg
Magnesium26 mg
Manganese0.426 mg
Phosphorus48 mg
Potassium521 mg
Sodium46 mg
Zinc0.5 mg
Beta carotene3930 μg
Lutein zeaxanthin865 μg
Water (other constituents)92.21 g

Do Rabbits Like To Eat Cilantro?

Yes, Rabbits like to eat cilantro. If someone rabbits do not like cilantro it is not on me. It depends on the taste most of the rabbits like its taste. Cilantro is also beneficial for rabbits’ health.

we should also add cilantro with other good leafy greens it is our right. If they eat different types of leafy greens and food they get another nutrition which is important for their health.

As we know cilantro is a good leafy green for rabbits, but sometimes they don’t like to eat cilantro. It is OK for all rabbits. we can feed others plenty of good leafy green.

We need to be careful when we are feeding cilantro to our rabbits, cilantro should be in moderation. Don’t ever try overfeeding cilantro or other any type of herbs and leafy greens. It can cause health issues if we overfeed. So keep in mind moderation is key.

Only feed half a handful of cilantro to small rabbits, If you have a big rabbit you can feed one handful. Not more than that!!!!!

Is Cilantro Good For Your Rabbit?

Yes, Cilantro is good for rabbits. As we already know, cilantro is a good and healthy nutrient herb for rabbits. It contains many vitamins and minerals. It is known for its good antioxidants, Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C.

Antioxidants help our rabbits reduce inflammation and for skin health. If your rabbit has any type of inflammation, you can feed cilantro in limited quantities. It will help feel better for your rabbit.

It also contains Vitamin E and Vitamin K. which is also important for their overall development. One important property of cilantro is it decreases blood sugar. We can say overall Cilantro is a good herb for rabbits if we feed it in moderation.

Cilantro should not be the main food source for rabbits. Always try to make the main food source that contains more fiber. such as hay and grass. Always serve them fresh water.

If your rabbits do not like cilantro you can serve other good herbs like Bok choy, basil, dill, rosemary, etc. Note a point that is most important whenever you start feeding cilantro to your loving pet start with small portions. Rabbits’ health is in your hands.

rabbits eating cilantro

How Much Cilantro Should I Give To My Rabbit?

As stated earlier, Rabbits’ main food source is not cilantro and other leafy greens. I am not saying cilantro is not good for rabbits. Cilantro is a good and healthy herb for all rabbits.

Never feed any leafy greens and herbs on a daily basis. You can feed it as a treat. The main food source of rabbits should be good-quality hay and grass. It gets 90% nutrients from only hay and grass.

You should be fed hay and grass on a daily basis because it contains more fiber which is good for rabbits’ stomachs. When there are more worms in the rabbit’s stomach, then fiber helps to kill those worms. It is also a good benefit of fiber they kill bad bacteria from their intestine.

Whenever you start feeding cilantro and other good herbs, take care you need to feed with small portions for the first time. You can give a half handful of cilantro to small rabbits. If you have large rabbits then you can increase the quantity, there should be a whole handful of cilantro. Not more than that!!!!

Never try to feed cilantro to baby rabbits. it can cause health problems. Until they are not more than 4 months old, cilantro is not for them.

How To Feed Cilantro To A Rabbit?

Cilantro is a good and healthy natural herb for rabbits. You can feed this herb as a treat. It provides extra nutrition in your rabbit’s diet.

You can feed cilantro to mix with other veggies is increase the value of vegetables. You need to understand quantities before feeding cilantro.

If you have small rabbits you can feed 1/2 handful cilantro. If you have large rabbits then you can feed a whole handful of cilantro. If your rabbits had stomach pain in the past, then don’t try to feed more cilantro. Always give them small quantities of cilantro.

If you have healthy rabbits, Nevertheless you need to serve small portions of cilantro for the first time. Then, keep inspecting them for 24 hours if they show some illness like digestive troubles, stomach pain, diarrhea, and lethargy.

Then don’t feed cilantro to your loving rabbits, only feed them good quality hay and grass. You know, Rabbits are fresh all the time. So, Always serve fresh water to your pet. Now know how to provide cilantro to your baby rabbit-

  1. Firstly, always purchase organic and fresh cilantro for your loving pet. Don’t purchase more raw and ripened cilantro.
  2. Then, remove wax or chemicals from the cilantro before feeding your rabbits. You need to remove seeds from that because seeds are not beneficial for rabbits. Seeds can cause health issues.
  3. The best way to feed cilantro to your rabbits is to mix them with other vegetables, it will increase the value of vegetables as well as cilantro will be easy to eat for your rabbits.
  4. Give fresh water in the bowl.

Note: Never Serve more than one new food at the same time. Whenever you start feeding new food to your rabbits always serve with small portions.

Don’t ever try to feed any new food or cilantro to baby rabbits. Until they are not more than 4 months of age. Before this age criteria, this is not acceptable food for them.

Best Common Healthy Diet To Feed Your Rabbit?

There a different types of common healthy food for your rabbits out there –

Good Quality Hay Supplies – Rabbit should have a daily diet of mostly hay and grass. It should be the main food source for rabbits. Hay and grass contain Fiber which is good for rabbit’s digestive health. It is a good source for digestion. Hay and grass make strong and healthy to loving rabbits. Ultimate, high-quality grass hay, such as Timothy, orchard, or brome, should make up the world of a rabbit’s diet.

Provide Good Quality Pellets – Some good quality pellets should be in the rabbit’s diet. it is also good for their body’s development. Timothy pellets are one of the recommended pellets for rabbits. Overfeeding pellets can cause health issues for adult rabbits. Don’t feed pellets to baby rabbits. Pellets contain more carbohydrates and are low in calories, so don’t overfeed pellets to your loving rabbits. Moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

Provide Good Quality Leafy Greens – Rabbits want to eat different types of food as humans. Rabbits also like the taste of different foods. You need to add some leafy greens to your rabbit’s diet. It also helps in the overall development of the body. You need to add leafy greens which have fewer carbohydrates and more fiber. Carrot tops, bok choy, basil, beet greens, and broccoli greens can be good quality leafy greens for your rabbits. Whenever you are feeding different types of leafy greens it should be in small portions. you have to keep monitoring them for 24 hours.

Provide Good Quality Fruits – Fruits are a good Food source for rabbit’s health. Keep in mind Fruits contain more sugar so, you need to feed in moderation. 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. Watermelon, apples, bananas, pears, and mangoes are also good for rabbits.

Provide Fresh Water – Rabbits like to live clean & fresh all the time. so you need to give fresh water 24/7. It is the healthier way of living life for rabbits.

Source –

three rabbits image

Can Baby Bunnies Eat Cilantro?

Cilantro is not a healthy herb for baby bunnies. The digestive system of baby bunnies is very sensitive. They can’t digest new food or herbs before 4 months of age.

When they are acclimated to eating fruits and vegetables you can feed them herbs too. And keep monitoring them for 24 hours, when you give cilantro for the first time. Keep in mind cilantro should be clean and chemical or pesticide-free.

Always feed cilantro without seeds. Never try to feed cilantro to baby rabbits or juvenile rabbits before 4 months of age.

Can Rabbits Eat Cilantro Seed?

Never feed cilantro seeds to your rabbits. Cilantro seed is unhealthy for your rabbits. There is an issue if you feed cilantro seeds to your rabbits, they can stuck in the rabbit’s necks. Always feed only fresh and clean cilantro leaves.

Remember this when you are serving cilantro to your rabbits only serve them fresh and good quality cilantro leaves without seeds. Bear in mind cilantro should be chemicals or wax-free.

coriander seeds image

What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Cilantro In A Rabbit’s Diet?

As we know, cilantro is a healthy herbal food for rabbits, if we feed in moderation. they can eat every part of cilantro. if we serve the right amount of leafy greens to our pets then it is good. If cilantro is not compatible with your rabbit’s digestive system. you can try other leafy greens.

To know lots of good leafy greens for your loving rabbits you can follow the below paragraph:-

  • Parsley
  • Broccoli greens
  • romaine lettuce
  • Carrot tops
  • Basil
  • Beet greens
  • Mint
  • Dill
  • Sage
  • Fennel
  • Thyme
  • Clover
  • Spinach
  • Bok choy
  • Celery
  • Green peppers
  • Lavender
  • Beet grass
  • Tarragon
  • Dandelion greens
  • Radicchio

What Happens If I Feed My Rabbit Too Much Cilantro?

As you know, Excess of everything is bad. I already said in this article overfeeding cilantro can cause health issues. If you are feeding any herb or cilantro to your rabbits you need to be careful.

You don’t need to feed more than half 1/2 handful or a full handful. Then monitor them for a minimum of 24 hours.

If you overfeed by mistake and they show some illness like runny watery stools or hard stools, stomach pain, or lethargy avoid your favorite food. Then, you should immediately contact to veterinarian and ask for help.

Such a rabbit has the ability to digest any herb, It takes time. But why do we take risks if the vet is available? You should always contact with expert vet.

Remember this, when your loving pet will be at ease. You need to be careful before feeding any herb or cilantro. You can start with small portions of any herbs or cilantro. Then keep inspecting them for 24 hours. Don’t ever try to feed cilantro to baby rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Cooked Cilantro?

For rabbits safety cooked cilantro is not good and healthy at all for rabbits. As we know rabbits are herbivorous. Herbivorous animals generally like raw vegetables and leafy greens.

Cooked cilantro is not made for rabbits. When you cook any vegetables or herbs it changes the structure of vegetables. Every nutrient burns out from those vegetables when you cook.

Cooked cilantro is not good for their health. This can cause harm rather than benefit. Always provide raw vegetables or leafy greens to your loving rabbits. Raw food contains all the nutrients they need. Which is good for the rabbit’s overall health growth.

Never try to give any cooked vegetables, leafy greens, or herbs. Even by mistake don’t serve cooked cilantro to baby rabbits.

Health Benefits Of Cilantro For Rabbits?

Cilantro is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Cilantro is a healthy herb for their overall health development. Rabbit needs more fiber so, cilantro is good for their stomach.

If a rabbit’s intestine is full of bad bacteria then you need to feed more fiber food to take out that bacteria. Cilantro is on the food which is full of fiber. you can feed cilantro for their healthy stomach.

Cilantro also contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. All these vitamins are good for rabbit’s health. Vitamin A helps to protect their immune system and skin health. Vitamin C fast recovery from colds and coughs. Vitamin K is especially good for bone health.

Cilantro also contains anti-bacterial properties which is good for rabbit cells. It protects from free radicals and reduces the risk of cancer disease. Rabbits need all these nutrients whatever I said.

As I said cilantro is overall beneficial for rabbits you don’t need to believe that it is 100% secure for their health. If you overfeed then can cause health issues rather than benefits. Keep in mind moderation is key here.

Can Rabbits Eat Cilantro Stems?

Yes, Rabbits can eat cilantro stems. They are safe to eat. Never remove stems of cilantro to feed rabbits. You can remove the roots of the cilantro but not the stalks.

Most of the rabbits like cilantro stems because it has a chewy texture. Fresh cilantro leaves and stems are good for rabbits’ health.

Cilantro stems are also fully filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. You can provide cilantro stems to your rabbits without hesitation.

Keep in mind that Stems should not be more raw and ripened. It should be chemical or wax-free. Always serve fresh and clean cilantro to your loving rabbits. You also know moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

Can Rabbits Eat Cilantro Flowers?

Yes, Rabbits can eat cilantro flowers. Cilantro flowers are not toxic for rabbits at any point. when you purchase cilantro from the market, A few days later it gets ripened. Cilantro leaves turn green to yellow. which is not usable for rabbits. it can harm rather than benefit.

It’s better to feed cilantro flowers to your rabbits. Always serve them fresh and clean cilantro leaves. It is a better choice for them.

You need to be careful when you are feeding cilantro flowers to your rabbits. Keep in mind that always feed in a limited quantity with proper guidance. When you feed cilantro flowers to your rabbits, Keep inspecting them for 24 hours. and check whether they show some illness like lethargy, digestive troubles, constipation, runny stools, etc. If they show any kind of illness then immediately contact with vet and ask for help. If they do not have any types of illness you can slightly increase the quantity. Remember this moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

By the way, cilantro flowers contain low calcium and oxalic acid. which is good for your rabbits, if you feed them in moderation. If you overfeed then increase your loving rabbit’s weight quickly.

You can try to feed cilantro to your rabbits with limited quantity and proper guidance. Never feed cilantro flowers to baby rabbits until they become not more than 12 weeks of age.


is it safe for rabbits to eat cilantro?

Yes, Cilantro is safe for rabbits. There is no toxicity for any rabbits if we feed them in moderation. Cilantro contains lots of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, which is good for rabbit’s health.

can wild rabbits eat cilantro?

Yes, Wild rabbits eat cilantro. It is also beneficial for wild rabbits. When they see cilantro (coriander plants) in the wild and start nibbling it.

are rabbits allowed to eat cilantro?

Yes, Rabbits are allowed to eat cilantro. It is a common herb for rabbits they can easily chew their stems. Cilantro is a safe herb amongst other herbs.

can rabbits eat dried cilantro?

Yes, Rabbits can eat dried cilantro. Dried cilantro is also beneficial for your bunnies. If you sprinkle dried cilantro with other good vegetables it gets wet and rabbits enjoy it.


As we discussed in this article, cilantro is a good and healthy herb for rabbits. whatever nutrients contained in cilantro are beneficial for rabbits’ health.

They contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, dietary fiber, antioxidants, and water. When you feed cilantro with a proper guide and the right quantity it is beneficial for the rabbit’s health. Overfeeding any herbs can lead to many health issues in rabbits. The key is moderation.

If you have small rabbits you can feed 1/2 handful cilantro to your rabbits. And if you have large rabbits you can feed a whole handful of cilantro to your rabbits. Don’t ever try to feed cilantro seeds to your rabbits.

Keep in mind, that if your rabbits have had any digestive or stomach-related problems in the past, then avoid feeding cilantro to your loving rabbits. Never try to feed cilantro to babies or juvenile rabbits before 4 months of age.

If you are a rabbit lover, I hope you will have a lot of benefits from this article. If you have any kind of queries then comment below. Keep following this article and keep your rabbits healthy and happy. Rabbits’ health is in your hands. Thank you for reading the article!!!!!

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