Can Rabbits Eat Mango? – Rabbit Expert Advice

Can Rabbits Eat Mango?

Can Rabbits eat mango? Yes, Rabbits can eat mango fruits. It is a good and healthy fruit for rabbits. Mango contains Vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin K, Fiber, Vitamin B6, Potassium, and beta carotene. All these nutrients are beneficial for rabbit’s health.

The main food source of rabbits is good quality hay and grass and a limited number of pellets. This is not enough for rabbits we need to add some veggies and fruits for their extra nutrition.

Fruits contain a lot of sugar which is not good for rabbit’s health. So you need to feed fruit like mango as an occasional treat.

Most of the rabbits like sweet food. Mango is also a sweet fruit they like this fruit. If you do not refuse to eat mango to your rabbits they will go on eating. Which is not good for rabbits if they overfeed. It can cause many health issues. The key is moderation.

In this article, I will tell you all the information about mango—feeding guides, health benefits, issues, etc. If you are a rabbit lover you need to understand all the things related to mango. Keep reading this article for better health for your rabbits.

Video source: Anim’s & Vlogs YouTube channel

Extra Information About Mngo?

Mango belongs to the cashew family. Mango is a sweet fruit, like all over the world. Mango contains a lot of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium, fiber, and protein.

Mango is liked by humans and animals too. India is the most famous country for producing mangoes, 50% of mangoes are made in India. The remaining 50% of mangoes are produced in China, Thailand, Mexico, Pakistan, Indonesia, Brazil, and Egypt.

Two types of mangoes are found. The first is ripe mango and the other is unripe mango. we can use ripe mango in making juice, jellies, and jam, and unripe mango is used to make pickles, chutney, and amchoor.

Mango contains vitamin C which helps to boost the immune system. The mango is also called the “King of fruits”.

According to Wikipedia Worldwide, there are several hundred cultivars of mango. Depending on the cultivar, mango fruit varies in size, shape, sweetness, skin color, and flesh color, which may be pale yellow, gold, green, or orange.[1] Mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines,[5][6] while the mango tree is the national tree of Bangladesh.[7]

According to Wikipedia Nutritional value per 100g of Mango

Energy250 kJ (60 kcal)
Carbohydrates15 g
Dietary fiber1.6 g
Fat0.38 g
Protein0.82 g

Vitamins and Minerals in Mango

Vitamin A54 μg
Vitamin C36.4 mg
Vitamin E0.9 mg
Vitamin K4.2 μg
Vitamin B60.119 mg
Iron0.16 mg
Magnesium10 mg
Manganese0.063 mg
Phosphorous14 mg
Potassium168 mg
Sodium1 mg
Zinc0.09 mg
Calcium11 mg
Beta Carotene640 μg
Lutein zeaxanthin23 μg
yellow mango images

Do Rabbits Like Mango?

Yes, Rabbits like sweet sugary fruit too much. I can’t say every rabbit likes mango. But, most of the rabbits like sweet flavor food like mango.

Ensure when you feed mango to your rabbit, feed only in moderation. It can lead to many health issues if you overfeed. So moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

Keep in mind if your rabbit does not like mango don’t worry about it. Serve others and treat whatever they like. Rabbits do not take care of their health. They can eat everything whatever you serve. So it is up to us what can I feed or not.

Never try to feed too much mango to your loving rabbits. Overfeeding can cause health problems. You need to know one more thing that is rabbit’s addicted very soon to tasty food. Mango is also a tasty food for rabbits. When they get addicted, they can ignore daily nutritious food.

Bear in mind mango is not their daily diet. You can feed mango as an occasional treat. Rabbit’s daily diet should be hay and grass such as timothy hay and orchard grass.

Never try to feed mango to baby rabbits before 4 months old.

rabbit eating mango

Can Rabbits Eat Mango Safely?

Yes, adult rabbits can eat mangoes safely. There is no risk. As mentioned earlier mango is a very tasty and nutritious fruit for rabbits. But Should not be the main food source for rabbits. Because, you know rabbits are herbivorous they need much dietary fiber in their daily diet.

They will not get much fiber from mango. So, good quality hay and grass the main food source for rabbits such as timothy and orchard grass, with a limited number of pellets.

Remember this one thing whenever you start feeding mango to your adult rabbit, start with small portions. And check whether they like it or not. If they show some mild issues. Stop feeding mangoes.

And If they show some serious illness like diarrhea, constipation, GL stasis, or any type of digestive problems. You need to go to a veterinarian and ask for help.

Don’t ever try to feed mango to baby or juvenile rabbits before more than 4 months of age.

Is Mango Healthy For My Rabbit?

Yes, Mango is a healthy and juicy fruit for rabbits. Because it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals which are good nutrients for rabbits. It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6 and fiber.

All these nutrients are healthy for rabbits. Vitamin C is a good source of the immune system. It can prevent many diseases.

Sometimes it happens rabbits need extra nutrients for their health development. You can start feeding mango. Keep in mind one important thing rabbits’ digestive system is very sensitive. So never try to feed new food too much at a time. It can cause health issues in rabbits. The key is moderation.

Should be seen that this mango is a very healthy fruit for them Because it has dietary fiber. It can keep good digestive system of rabbits. Feeding mango is good for their health but in moderation.

mango tree and rabbit image

How Much Mango Should I Give My Rabbits?

As stated earlier rabbits like mango too much. It is also a good and healthy fruit for them if we feed in moderation. If you overfeed it can lead to different types of health issues. So moderation is key.

Always try to feed organic and natural mango to your loving pet. Remember this don’t try to feed mango to baby rabbits. Feed mango to only adult rabbits.

You can feed 1 tablespoon per two pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. It should be only as a treat once or twice per week. Not more than this!!!!!

How To Feed Mango To Your Rabbit?

As I told you in this article mango is good for rabbits. Now, you need to understand the proper guide to feeding mangoes to your loving rabbit.

Whenever you start feeding mango cut them bite-sized and give them only 1 piece. Watch them carefully they like it or not. If they like you need to feed 1 tablespoon per two pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. Not more than that!!!

Rabbits eat as much as you give them and don’t care about their health. It’s up to us to take care of their health. After feeding 1 tablespoon mango if they show some mild issues stop feeding mango to them.

And if they show some serious illness like thin watery runny stools, constipation, low energy, and loss of appetite. Then you need to go to a veterinarian at once and ask for help. Keep in mind that rabbits’ health is in your hands.

Never break any rules if you want to keep your rabbits healthy and happy. Do not feed forcefully any vegetables or fruits. It can lead to health problems. Serve them fresh water 24/7.

The best way to feed mangoes to your rabbits mix them with other daily fruits. serve them mixing food. Never try to feed new food types at a time.

Now you need to know a proper guide to feeding mangoes to your loving rabbit.

  1. Always purchase high-quality and organic ripe mangoes from the market for your loving rabbits.
  2. Wash them carefully before serving them. Remove all pesticides and wax from them, it is very harmful for rabbits.
  3. Now cut them bite-sized and mix them with other daily fruits and vegetables.
  4. Always serve them fresh water with fruits and vegetables.

Bear in mind when they eat that food. wash the dish carefully don’t ignore for washing. Left food never try to feed next time. It is not good for their health.

Always serve them in a clean dish because a clean dish has no bugs. If you want to keep healthy to your rabbits healthy, You must follow this guide.

cutting mango`

Benefits Of Mango For Rabbits?

As we discussed above mango is a natural and nutritious fruit for rabbits. It contains a lot of benefits such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, antioxidants, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and water. All these nutrients are essential for rabbits’ overall growth.

Let’s discuss all the nutrition one by one.

Mango is rich in fiber nutrients which decrease the risk of obesity and keep the healthy digestive system. It’s the most essential nutrient for rabbits’ health.

Mango contains potassium and calcium which is also essential nutrients for maintaining healthy body function. There is some issue too much calcium is not good for rabbit’s health. The key is moderation.

Vitamin A helps rabbits’ bodies to keep good eyesight and fight bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Vitamin A is the most essential nutrient for rabbits’ health.

Vitamin C boosts immune systems and recovers from colds faster in rabbits.

Mango also contains more sugar which is not good for rabbits’ health. More sugary food can increase bacteria in rabbits’ belly.

Too much watery fruits is also not good and healthy for rabbit’s health. Because it can cause diarrhea problems in rabbits.

Mango contains antioxidants which are essential for rabbits’ health. antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer disease and heart health. Beta carotene is the best part of antioxidants which also helps to reduce muscular degeneration.

It’s the overall benefits of mango fruits. There are some benefits and some harmful to mango fruits.

You need to understand properly before feeding your rabbits. Everything is good in moderation. Never try to feed mango to baby rabbits before 4 months of age.

Can Rabbits Eat Mango Peels (Skin)?

Yes, Rabbits can eat mango skin. It is healthier for that. Mango peels contain more fiber which is healthy for rabbits’ digestive system.

Ensure when you are serving mango to your rabbits remove the seeds, not peels. Mango skin should be washed before feeding. I

f you do not wash rabbits can eat dirt or wax. which is very harmful to a rabbit’s health. Remember these peels should be ripe and organic.

Some rabbits do not like the taste of mango skin, so it is not a big problem. It is a common problem among rabbits. You can feed other fruits what they like such as pumpkin, kiwi, pineapple, apple, etc.

Can Rabbits Eat Mango Seeds?

Mango seeds are not a good and healthy food choice for a rabbit. You must avoid feeding seeds.

The nutrients of mango seeds are not good for rabbits’ health. So do not ever try to feed mango seeds to your loving rabbits. It has been said in many articles that mango seed is good and healthy for rabbits. But my experience said mango seeds are not healthy for them.

If you eat mango seeds for your rabbits by mistake. It can lead to many health problems related to stomach and digestive disorders.

Be careful while serving mango to your rabbits. Remove seeds and choke off that mango before feeding.

Can Baby Bunnies Eat Mango?

Mango is not a beneficial fruit for baby bunnies. The digestive system is very susceptible to a baby bunny. They can’t digest vegetables and fruits before 4 months of age.

My recommendation is not to feed mango before more than 4 months of age. Baby bunnies start with juicy vegetables. Then they start eating vegetables and fruits after 3-4 months.

Remember this When you start feeding any vegetables and fruits to your baby bunnies start with small portions. Check whether they like it or not. And Keep inspecting them for 24 hours.

Disadvantages Of Overfeeding Your Rabbit Mangoes?

As we have been talking about mango is a nutritious food for rabbits. As you know everything has a positive and negative side.

Mango has also a positive and negative side. We just want to know about the positive right now. Now the time is known for negative.

Mango contains high sugar and acidic content which is not good for rabbits’ health. Because of its high sugar content mango is not the daily food source of rabbits.

You can feed mango to your rabbits as an occasional treat only. Don’t ever try to overfeed. It can lead to a variety of problems in rabbits’ bodies such as digestive disorders and stomach pain.

Now we will tell you what is the main health issues of overfeeding mangoes. Some of these are:-

  1. Thin watery runny stools
  2. Constipation
  3. Stomach pain
  4. Low energy
  5. Gastrointestinal problem

Note: Never try to feed mango to baby or juvenile rabbits until they have become more than 4 months of age.

brown rabbit image

What Rabbits Really Need For Their Health?

There a different types of common healthy food for your rabbits out there –

Good Quality Hay Supplies – Rabbit should have a daily diet of mostly hay and grass. It should be the main food source for rabbits. Hay and grass contain Fiber which is good for rabbit’s digestive health. It is a good source for digestion. Hay and grass make strong and healthy to loving rabbits. Ultimate, high-quality grass hay, such as Timothy, orchard, or brome, should make up the world of a rabbit’s diet.

Provide Good Quality Pellets – Some good quality pellets should be in the rabbit’s diet. it is also good for their body’s development. Timothy pellets are one of the recommended pellets for rabbits. Overfeeding pellets can cause health issues for adult rabbits. Don’t feed pellets to baby rabbits. Pellets contain more carbohydrates and are low in calories, so don’t overfeed pellets to your loving rabbits. Moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

Provide Good Quality Leafy Greens – Rabbits want to eat different types of food as humans. Rabbits also like the taste of different foods. You need to add some leafy greens to your rabbit’s diet. It also helps in the overall development of the body. You need to add leafy greens which have fewer carbohydrates and more fiber. Carrot tops, bok choy, basil, beet greens, and broccoli greens can be good quality leafy greens for your rabbits. Whenever you are feeding different types of leafy greens it should be in small portions. you have to keep monitoring them for 24 hours.

Provide Good Quality Fruits – Fruits are a good Food source for rabbit’s health. Keep in mind Fruits contain more sugar so, you need to feed in moderation. 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. Watermelon, apples, bananas, pears, and mangoes are also good for rabbits.

Provide Fresh Water – Rabbits like to live clean & fresh all the time. so you need to give fresh water 24/7. It is the healthier way of living life for rabbits.

Source –

Can Rabbits Eat Cooked Mango?

Cooked mango is not safe for rabbits. whenever you cook any vegetables and fruits it burns out all the nutrients from that. which will not get benefits to your rabbits. It can harm rather than benefit.

As you know rabbits are herbivorous pets their digestive system is very sensitive. They can’t digest oily and cooked vegetables and fruits even mango.

So never try to feed cooked and processed mango to your loving rabbit. It’s better to feed only raw mango flesh as it is very beneficial for their digestion.

Also Never try to feed cooked mango to baby rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Dried Mango?

No, Dried mango is not safe for rabbits at any cost. Some article says dried mango is a good and healthy food source for rabbits, But my experience says dried mango is not good for them.

It contains high sugar and low fiber which is toxic for rabbit health. Rabbits need more fiber rather than sugar. If they eat more sugar it can cause health issues for them.

Never try to overfeed more sugar food to your loving pets. Mango juice also contains more sugar and is acidic. It is also a harmful diet for rabbits.

Are Mangoes Leaves Safe For Rabbits?

Yes, Mango leaves are safe for rabbits. You can feed mango leaves to your rabbits without any hesitation. It contains fiber content which is good for rabbits’ health.

As you know excess of everything is bad if you overfeed mango leaves to your rabbits. It can cause many health problems. Moderation is key to a rabbit’s health. Rabbits’ health only is in your hands.

Don’t feed mango leaves to your baby rabbits.


1. can rabbits eat mango wood?

Mango wood is not safe for rabbits. It is toxic to rabbits’ health. you can feed other parts of mango trees except wood.

2. are rabbits supposed to eat mango?

You rabbits should eat mango because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. which are healthy nutrients for rabbits’ overall health development.

3. how much mango can rabbits eat?

If you have healthy and fully grown rabbits then you can feed them one tablespoon per two pounds of your rabbits’ body weight. never try to feed mango to baby rabbits.

4. can rabbits eat mango tree leaves?

Yes, rabbits can eat mango tree leaves but in moderation. Leaves contain fiber which is also a healthy food for rabbits.


As we discussed in this article mango is a good and natural fruit for rabbits. whatever nutrients contained in mango are beneficial for rabbits’ overall health development.

As you know excess of everything is bad mango fruits also contain sugar. which is not beneficial for rabbits’s health if you overfeed. So moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

You can feed mango peels and plant leaves both are essential for rabbits, but in moderation.

If you have a healthy and adult rabbit you can feed 1 tablespoon per two pounds of the rabbit’s body weight. Overfeeding can cause critical health issues in rabbits.

You can serve fresh mango portions once per week. Don’t ever try to feed mango to baby or juvenile rabbits before 4 months of age. It can lead to serious health issues in baby rabbits because the digestive system of baby rabbits is very susceptible.

I hope all rabbit lovers will have to get benefit from this article. You should know all the aspects before feeding mangoes to your rabbits. Rabbits’ health is in your hands. Stay safe and healthy for your rabbits.

Thanks for reading!!!

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