Can Rabbits Eat Oranges? – 100% Recommended Complete Full Advice.

Can Rabbits Eat Oranges?

Can Rabbits eat oranges? Yes, Rabbits can eat oranges. It’s a very natural treat for them. Oranges contain a lot of vitamins and minerals which help in rabbit’s body growth.

They contain vitamins A, C, and E, dietary fiber, potassium, and sugar. It is especially known for its Vitamin C intake. Oranges also contain water which is essential for rabbits’ health.

Ensuring too much water is not good for rabbits’ health. It can cause diarrhea problems in rabbits. You can feed oranges to your rabbits as an occasional treat.

Overfeeding can lead to critical health issues like stomach upset, gas, digestive troubles, etc. Too much sugar is also not good for rabbits’ health.

If you feed too much sugar to your rabbits their belly can be filled with sugary foods and can increase bacteria in the belly. So moderation is key.

Rabbits’ main food source must be fresh quality hay and grass with a limited number of pellets. It gets all the nutrients from hay supplies.

In this article, we will tell you about health benefits and issues and complete feeding guides. To know more about rabbits and oranges keep reading this article. Let’s get started.

Source: MyAnimalLife YouTube Channel

Orange’s Nutritional Value For Rabbits?

Oranges belong to the Rutaceae family. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C, E, fiber, sugar, antioxidants, potassium, and calcium. It is also called the largest citrus fruit.

It is known for its high quantity of Vitamin C. Orange flowers are found in white color. Flowers are very fragrant. Oranges are very natural and nutritious fruits for everyone.

Remember this oranges contain too much sugar which is not beneficial for rabbit health. So never try to overfeed them only in moderation.

Vitamin C can help in many diseases. Like boosts the immune system, smoother skin, wound healing fast, cold and cough fast recover.

According to Wikipedia, The orange originated in a region encompassing Southern China, Northeast India, and Myanmar,[8][9] and the earliest mention of the sweet orange was in Chinese literature in 314 BC.[2] As of 1987, orange trees were found to be the most cultivated fruit tree in the world.[10] Orange trees are widely grown in tropical and subtropical climates for their sweet fruit. The fruit of the orange tree can be eaten fresh, or processed for its juice or fragrant peel.[11] As of 2012, sweet oranges accounted for approximately 70% of citrus production.[12]

According to wikipedia, 100g of oranges contains these nutrients

Energy69 kJ (16 kcal)
Carbohydrates3.4 g
Sugars2.2 g
Dietary Fiber1.1 g
Fat0.2 g
Protein1.2 g

Vitamins and minerals in 100g of oranges

Vitamin A11 μg
Vitamin C53.2 mg
Vitamin E0.18 mg
Vitamin B60.06 mg
Calcium40 mg
Iron0.1 mg
Magnesium10 mg
Managanese0.025 mg
Phosphorous14 mg
Zinc0.07 mg
Potassium181 mg
Water (other constituents)86.75 g
six oranges with leaves

Types Of Oranges To Feed Your Rabbit?

There are some common types of oranges for rabbits-

  • Blood oranges
  • Cara Cara navel oranges
  • Tangelo oranges
  • Jaffa oranges
  • Kinnow oranges
  • Valencia oranges
  • Navel oranges
  • Clementine oranges
different types of oranges

Do Rabbits Like Eating Oranges?

Yes, Rabbits like eating oranges. Most rabbits like sweet sugary foods, they eat very devoured.

Rabbits eat as much as you give them but it’s not good for their health. If you overfeed oranges it can lead to serious health issues.

Whenever you start feeding oranges, start with small portions and check whether they like it or not. If they do not like it’s okay and normal for rabbits. you can serve other fruits whatever they like most. such as pumpkin, Mango, squash etc.

Never try to feed more than one food at a time. Ensure when you serve any sugary fruits to your rabbits, serve them only one sugary fruit at a time.

It also happens when you give them their favorite sugary fruits they can be addicted to that food. And they can ignore their essential foods like hay intake. So, you should feed oranges sometimes to your rabbits in small quantities. Because moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

Can Rabbits Have Oranges?

Yes, Rabbits can have oranges. In this article, we will tell you a proper guide to feeding oranges so, keep reading this article.

As we discussed above oranges are a natural and healthy treat for rabbits. So, you can feed oranges to your loving rabbits as an occasional treat.

When you feed any vegetables or fruits in limited quantities. There is no any kind of problem with rabbits. If you overfeed oranges and any veggies it can lead it serious health issues. The key is moderation.

As we told you, oranges contain more sugar which is not beneficial for rabbits’ health. If they overeat sugar their belly can be filled with bad bacteria. Which is very harmful to rabbits’ health. So, never try to overfeed.

As you know rabbits are herbivorous pets, they need too much fiber intake in their diet. So, Rabbits’ main food source must be good quality hay and grass. This gives him 90% nutrition.

Humans can live without eating fiber but rabbits can’t live. They need a lot of fiber in their daily diet, so hay intake is a good source of fiber. Fiber also helps to remove bad bacteria from their intestine.

Bad bacteria are very harmful to rabbits’ health. It can cause serious health issues in rabbits. In final you can serve Oranges to your rabbits as an occasional treat.

rabbit eating orange

Are Oranges Safe To Be Eaten By Rabbits?

Yes, oranges are safe to be eaten by rabbits. If you feed oranges in moderation there is no issue for rabbits.

Oranges contain too much water, which can cause diarrhea problems in rabbits. Oranges also contain too much sugar which can lead to digestive troubles if you overfeed. So, moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

Whenever you start feeding any new food start with small portions and check whether they like it or not.

Never try to feed oranges to baby rabbits until they have become more than 4 months of age. Because the digestive system of baby rabbits is very susceptible. They can’t digest any fruit or veggies before 4 months of age.

After 4 months of age, you can start serving oranges to baby or juvenile rabbits in moderation.

How Much Oranges Can I Feed My Rabbit?

As stated earlier oranges should not be the main food source for rabbits. It should be some additional nutrients for rabbits’ bodies.

As you know everything has positive and negative sides oranges also have some positive and negative sides. On one side oranges are good and healthy fruits for rabbits and on the other side, orranges’ some compounds are not beneficial for rabbits.

It contains more sugar content which is very harmful to rabbits’ health. Too much sugar can lead to critical health issues in rabbits. So, never try to overfeed. Moderation is key.

If you have healthy and adult rabbits you can serve one or two wedges twice per week. Make sure never to feed more than one sweet sugary fruit at the same time.

If you want to add any other sugary fruits at the same time then, you can remove some orange wedges.

The best way to feed oranges is according to body weight. You can feed 1 tablespoon per two pounds of your rabbits’ body weight. Never try to feed oranges to baby rabbits before 4 months of age.

Proper Guide To Feed Oranges For Rabbits?

As we know oranges are natural fruit for rabbits. It is a very healthy fruit for rabbits if we feed in moderation. Overfeeding oranges can lead to health issues.

If you do not want any issues in rabbits while feeding any new food, then you should know the proper guide to feeding oranges for rabbits.

Ensure oranges should not be the main food source for rabbits. The main food source should be high-quality hay and grass. because it has more fiber whatever they need in their daily diet.

Your furry friends should not remain dependent only on hay and grass. They need some fruits and vegetables in their regular diet. So you can serve oranges to your rabbits as a treat.

  1. Firstly you have to pick good oranges wash them carefully, and remove waxes and pesticides from the orange peels.
  2. Then remove orange peels and white piths from the orange.
  3. Then you need to split wedges from the orange. (serve them only 1 tablespoon per two pounds of your rabbits’ body weight)
  4. Keep the moderation.
  5. Serve them fresh water to drink.

Whenever you start feeding oranges to your rabbits start with small portions and check whether they like it or not.

You will have to also check after feeding oranges if they show some illness or not (such as thin watery stools, hard stools, lethargy, digestive troubles, stomach pain, and Gas).

If they show some mild issues you should stop feeding oranges immediately. And if they show severe problems then you will have to go to a veterinarian. Never try to feed more than one new food at a time.

Don’t ever try to feed oranges to baby rabbits until they have become more than 4 months of age. Before 4 months of age, you should feed only juicy fruits and vegetables.

when they have fully adapted to feed any new food then you can start with a small portion, make sure to feed them after 4 months of age not before. Keep your rabbits healthy and happy to follow this proper feeding guide.

peeled orange image

Nutritional Benefits Of Oranges For Rabbits?

Oranges are natural fruit for rabbits. It has several health benefits. If you feed in moderation then oranges are very beneficial fruits for them. Let’s know all the nutritional benefits of oranges-

Oranges contain Vitamin C which helps to reduce free radicals and boosts the immune system in rabbits. Vitamin C is essential for overall rabbit growth.

Oranges are rich in potassium which helps to keep a healthy heart and muscle maintenance. It also helps to properly function well nervous system.

Fiber is the very essential nutrient for rabbits. oranges contain less fiber which helps to keep a good and healthy digestive system. Both fibers are essential for rabbit’s health soluble and insoluble.

Vitamin B6 helps rabbits boost their immune systems and remove unwanted chemicals from their kidney and liver.

Antioxidants are also found in oranges which helps to prevent free radicals. They also help to reduce inflammation.

Oranges contain more water which helps to keep hydrated to rabbits hydrated all the time. Especially it is beneficial for the summer season. In the summer season, rabbits can be hydrated by orange intake.

Manganese are also found in oranges. which is also a good nutrient for rabbits’ health. Manganese prevents heart disease and keeps smoother skin.

It’s all the nutritional benefits of oranges for rabbits. You need to understand before feeding oranges to your rabbits. Keep in mind moderation is key to a rabbit’s health. Never try to feed oranges to baby rabbits before 4 months of age.

Risk Of Overfeeding Oranges To Rabbits?

In this article, I only learned about the advantages of oranges. But there are some disadvantages of oranges. You must know.

Oranges contain too much water which is good for rabbits’ health if we feed them in moderation. If we overfeed any watery fruits it may cause diarrhea issues in rabbits.

Oranges also contain too much sugar, which is again harmful to rabbits’ health if we overfeed them. So, it’s the best way to feed always in moderation.

Rabbits’ digestive system is very sensitive if they eat too many sugary fruits, the number of bacteria in their stomach increases. Which is a very serious problem for rabbits. So, never overfeed your furry friends too much sugary food.

Oranges are very sugary and citrus fruits. That’s why it can be very harmful to rabbit’s dental problems. So, the key is moderation.

You need to keep an eye on whenever you feed any sugary and citrus fruits. If they have any problems with teeth they refuse to eat a daily nutritious diet.

Now, you need to know about the seeds of oranges. Orange seeds do not contain any nutritional value for rabbits. So you don’t need to serve orange seeds to your rabbits.

Orange seeds are also tiny and slippery they can get stuck in their neck and can lead to choking hazards in rabbits’. So never try to serve oranges seeds to your loving rabbits by mistake. It can lead to critical health issues in rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Orange Skin (Orange Peels)?

Orange peels are not recommended food for rabbits, because it has no nutritional value for rabbits.

If you want to feed orange peels to your rabbits then you can feed them as an occasional treat for rabbits. Do not try to overfeed.

Ensure orange skin should be washed properly because it contains too much wax and pesticides. Wax and pesticides are very harmful to rabbit’s health.

half peeled orange image

Can Rabbits Eat Orange Seeds?

Orange seeds are also not recommended food for rabbits, because it has no nutritional value in rabbits.

Orange seeds contain hydrocyanic acid which is very harmful to rabbits. It is very small and slippery it can get stuck in their neck and can lead to choking hazards. So orange seeds can lead to very serious problems in rabbits.

why do we take the risk, it’s better to remove the seeds before serving oranges to loving rabbits. Don’t ever try to feed orange seeds to baby or juvenile rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Orange Leaves?

As we discussed before orange leaves are not beneficial for rabbits’ health. It has no nutritional value for rabbits. But if you want to feed these leaves you can feed them as an occasional treat.

Ensure orange leaves are organic and high quality because ordinary leaves contain too much wax and pesticides. Which is very bad for rabbits’ health. You can feed different types of beneficial leafy green to your loving pets except orange leaves. It’s a better choice for rabbits’ health.

Never try to feed orange leaves to baby rabbits before 4 months of age.

rabbit with orange tree

Can Rabbits Eat Clementine Oranges Or Mandarin?

Yes, Rabbits can eat mandarin oranges. It has also the same nutritional value. You can feed all types of oranges to your rabbits.

Ensure you need to feed in moderation no matter what oranges it is. Mandarin or clementine oranges also contain Vitamin A, C, and E, fiber antioxidants, and potassium. All these nutrients are good for rabbits’ health.

Can Rabbits Eat Dried Oranges?

Yes, Rabbits can eat dried oranges but in moderation. Dried oranges contain too much sugar which is harmful to their health.

Dried oranges are made by removing all the water content from them. If you want to feed dried oranges to your rabbits ensure dried oranges are made from the home.

Make sure to feed dried oranges to your furry friends without adding any other ingredients from them. Commercially prepared dried oranges are not allowed to feed rabbits because it has high sugary content and other ingredients. Keep the moderation. It’s better for that!!!

When Should You Not Feed Oranges To Rabbits?

As discussed in this article oranges are natural and nutritious fruits for rabbits, if you feed them in moderation. Overfeeding oranges can cause health problems.

If your rabbits have any digestive issues like diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, GL stasis, and loss of appetite. Then you need to stop feeding oranges immediately.

If they show some mild issues, they will recover themselves in a while. If they show some serious problem then you need to go to a veterinarian. Don’t ever try to feed oranges to juvenile rabbits.

Can Rabbits Have Orange Juice?

Yes, Rabbits can have orange juice in moderation. Orange juice contains too much sugar and acidic content which is not good for rabbits’ health at all.

You can have orange juice for your rabbits as an occasional treat. Remember this moderation is key. You need to serve orange juice to your rabbits less than an orange slice. Don’t ever try to overfeed. It can lead to critical health issues.

Can Baby Rabbits Have Orange Juice?

No, Orange juice is not beneficial for baby rabbits. As you know baby rabbit’s digestive system is compassionate before 4 months of age. They can’t digest any vegetables or fruits before 4 months of age.

They can eat only good quality hay and grass that too in juicy form. After 4 months of age, you can start with an orange slice and give them a small slice. And check them they like it or not and also you will have to check how they react.

If they do not show any kind of illness you can increase slightly the quantity of oranges. Keep in mind moderation is key to a rabbit’s health. Rabbits’ health is in your hands.

Can Baby Bunnies Eat Oranges?

We don’t recommend eating oranges to baby bunnies before 4 months of age. Do you know baby bunnies’ digestive system is more sensitive than adult rabbits? They can’t digest any new food before 4 months of age.

By mistake, if they eat oranges or any other veggies it can lead to serious issues in the digestive system. After 4 months of age, you can start feeding oranges in very small amounts.

Then check them they show some illnesses like diarrhea, constipation, stomach problems, and digestive troubles. if they show mild issues you need to stop feeding oranges immediately.

If they show severe problems then you need to go to a veterinarian. Moderation is key to a rabbit’s health. Rabbits’ health is in your hands.

Best Common Healthy Diet To Feed Your Rabbit?

There a different types of common healthy food for your rabbits out there –

Good Quality Hay Supplies – Rabbit should have a daily diet of mostly hay and grass. It should be the main food source for rabbits. Hay and grass contain Fiber which is good for rabbit’s digestive health. It is a good source for digestion. Hay and grass make strong and healthy to loving rabbits. Ultimate, high-quality grass hay, such as Timothy, orchard, or brome, should make up the world of a rabbit’s diet.

Provide Good Quality Pellets – Some good quality pellets should be in the rabbit’s diet. it is also good for their body’s development. Timothy pellets are one of the recommended pellets for rabbits. Overfeeding pellets can cause health issues for adult rabbits. Don’t feed pellets to baby rabbits. Pellets contain more carbohydrates and are low in calories, so don’t overfeed pellets to your loving rabbits. Moderation is key to a rabbit’s health.

Provide Good Quality Leafy Greens – Rabbits want to eat different types of food as humans. Rabbits also like the taste of different foods. You need to add some leafy greens to your rabbit’s diet. It also helps in the overall development of the body. You need to add leafy greens which have fewer carbohydrates and more fiber. Carrot tops, bok choy, basil, beet greens, and broccoli greens can be good quality leafy greens for your rabbits. Whenever you are feeding different types of leafy greens it should be in small portions. you have to keep monitoring them for 24 hours.

Provide Good Quality Fruits – Fruits are a good Food source for rabbit’s health. Keep in mind Fruits contain more sugar so, you need to feed in moderation. 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. Watermelon, apples, bananas, pears, and mangoes are also good for rabbits.

Provide Fresh Water – Rabbits like to live clean & fresh all the time. so you need to give fresh water 24/7. It is the healthier way of living life for rabbits.

Source –

rabbit with pellets image


1. are bunnies allowed to eat oranges?

Yes, bunnies are allowed to eat oranges in moderation. It contains too much sugar which is not beneficial for rabbit’s health at all. Keep in mind the key is moderation.

2. can wild rabbits eat oranges?

Yes, wild rabbits can eat oranges in limited quantities. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals except sugar. Oranges can help wild rabbits’ overall growth and development.

3. can lionhead rabbits eat oranges?

Yes, lionhead rabbits can eat in moderation. Rabbits are herbivorous pets they need too much fiber than sugar. So they can eat oranges as an occasional treat because they contain too much sugar.

4. are oranges bad for rabbits?

Oranges are not bad for rabbits if you feed them with proper guidance and the right quantity. If you overfeed then it can lead to serious health issues in rabbits, because they contain too much sugar. which is harmful to rabbits’ health.


Oranges are natural and healthy fruit for rabbits. If you feed them according to proper guide. It contains Vitamins A, C, and E, fiber, antioxidants, calcium, potassium, and fiber. All these nutrients are beneficial for the rabbit’s overall health development.

we already discussed all of the benefits in this article. Keep in mind you can feed oranges as an occasional treat for rabbits. Overfeeding can lead to digestive distress in rabbits because it contains more sugar intake.

Ensure orange peels and seeds are removed before serving orange wedges to your loving rabbits. If you have an adult and healthy rabbit you can feed one or two wedges per two pounds of your rabbit’s body weight twice per week.

Rabbits’ main food source should be good quality hay and grass not should be oranges. Never try to feed oranges to baby rabbits until they have become more than 4 months of age.

I hope all rabbit lovers will have to get benefit from this article. Rabbits’ health is in your hands. Keep following this article and keep your rabbits healthy and happy. Thank you!!!

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