Can Rabbits Eat Pumpkin? – Expert Advice

Can Rabbits Eat Pumpkin?

Can rabbits eat pumpkins? Yes, Rabbits can eat pumpkin, but in moderation. As we know pumpkin is a fruit because the seeds remain inside the pumpkin. Rabbits like to eat fruit because fruits taste sweet, Rabbits like sweet food very much.

In pumpkin vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber are found which are good nutrients for rabbit’s health. Rabbits can & do raw pumpkin flesh as always. However overfeeding pumpkins can cause health issues for rabbits. so you need to be careful when you feed pumpkins to your rabbits.

If you want to feed pumpkins to your rabbits, moderation is the key. The pumpkin should be not on the daily diet for your rabbits. you can have pumpkin for your rabbits 1-2 times per week. The quantity should be the pumpkin is 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight.

The main food source should be good quality hay and grass with a limited number of pellets. Hay and grass must be included in rabbits’ daily diet because it helps to get all the daily nutrition they need.

But, Hay and grass are not enough for your rabbits. you need to feed them fresh vegetables and fruits in their daily diet. you can also add leafy greens and pallets to the rabbit’s diet. But Being careful you need to add all foods in moderation.

Pumpkin also has a bad side because it contains carbohydrates and sugar. Much carbohydrates and sugar are not good for rabbit’s health. You can give pumpkins to rabbits as an occasional treat. Keep reading this article, In this article, we will tell you rabbit feeding guides, health issues, health benefits, etc.

Extra information about pumpkins?

Pumpkin belongs to the winter squash family. Basically, pumpkin is a fruit but you can use it as a decoration. Pumpkins have deep yellow to orange color.

yellow pumpkins

As stated earlier pumpkin has vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber as well as pumpkin has low calories. Pumpkins have good nutrients. Pumpkin has smooth and slightly ribbed skin. Antioxidants are found in pumpkin which helps to prevent main health issues. if you eat rich in beta-carotene like pumpkin food then your body’s metabolic will be good.

According to the Medical News Today

Pumpkins can protect you from many diseases. some of which are –

1. Regulating the blood pressure
2. Reducing the risk of cancer
3. Preventing and controlling diabetes

4. Protects against age-related eye problems.

Pumpkins are one of the oldest domesticated plants and are derived in northern Mexico. Pumpkins can protect you from asthma and heart-related problems. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and potassium are also contained in pumpkin. pumpkin is also rich in water.

Pumpkin contains sugar and carbohydrate. The typical pumpkin shapes are round and oval. Lutein & zeaxanthin are good nutrients that lower the risk of age-related eyesight issues.

According to Wikipedia how much nutrition value in 100g of raw pumpkin if you want to know read below some of which are-

Nutritional Value per 100g of Raw pumpkin:-

  • Energy 109 KJ (26 Kacl)
  • Carbohydrate 6.5g
  • Sugars 2.76g
  • Dietary Fiber 0.5g
  • Fat 0.1g
  • Protein 1 g

Vitamins and Minerals in Pumpkin:-

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Beta-carotene
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • lutein zeaxanthin
  • Niacin B3

Do Rabbits like to eat pumpkin?

Do rabbits like to eat pumpkins? Yes, rabbits like to eat pumpkins. Most of the time rabbits like raw pumpkin flesh. They like the sweet sugar flavor of pumpkin. Pumpkin is one of their favorite food.

Sometimes it happens when we feed pumpkins to rabbits they addicted to that pumpkin.

Therefore, as stated earlier overfeeding pumpkins can cause health issues for rabbits. so moderation is the key to a rabbit’s health. you need to take care of your rabbit’s daily diet such as hay and grass.

With these leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, pallets, etc. in limited quantity. If you feed only pumpkins to your rabbit then it can happen your rabbit will not eat their daily nutritious foods.

So firstly, you will have to try to give small portions of pumpkin to your rabbit and check whether they like them. Don’t ever try to overfeed pumpkins to your rabbits. Give them only 1-2 times per week with 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s weight.

Rabbits also like other fruits such as Banana, Watermelon, Pineapple, berries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, grapes, and pears.

Is pumpkins safer to be eaten by rabbits?

Yes, Pumpkins are safer to be eaten by rabbits. When rabbits eat pumpkins they feel good from inside. Because Pumpkin is one of their favorite sweet food. Rabbits like only raw pumpkin flesh.

Always feed pumpkin to your rabbits as an occasional treat. overfeeding pumpkins can cause health issues because they contain more sugar and carbohydrate which is not beneficial for them.

You will have to feed pumpkins to your rabbits in moderation. Otherwise, it can lead to digestive disorders if you feed more often.

You never try to feed pumpkins to your baby rabbits. you can start feeding pumpkins when they become more than 4 months older. If you feed pumpkins in moderation then pumpkins are much safer to be eaten by rabbits.

rabbit watching pumpkin

Are pumpkins good for rabbits?

Yes, pumpkins are good for rabbits. All the nutrients of pumpkins are good for rabbits’ health. Pumpkin contains nutrients like Iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorous, beta-carotene.

Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber are also contained in pumpkins, which are the most essential nutrients for rabbits’s health. Excess of everything is bad so, you need to feed pumpkins as an occasional treat.

Pumpkin contains fiber which is a good source for digestion. If you feed pumpkins to your rabbits in moderation then pumpkins are a healthy food for your bunnies.

Types of pumpkins good to feed rabbits?

There are more than 50 types of pumpkins out there. Here are some of the common varieties

  • Atlantic Giant – The Atlantic Giant is the largest pumpkin variety in the world.
  • Connecticut field pumpkin – Connecticut field pumpkin is an heirloom variety.
  • Kabocha – Kabocha is bright orange and contains numerous seeds.
  • Cheese Pumpkin – The Cheese pumpkin (moschata) is a squat.
  • Candy Pumpkin – The Cotton candy pumpkin is perhaps the only pumpkin variety that has both white skin and flesh within it.
  • Pumpkin small sugar pie – sugar pie pumpkin is a small orange heirloom cultivar of pumpkin from New England (USA).
  • Carnival squash – Carnival squash is a small white pumpkin that has rich orange flesh that is great for baking.

Most all the types are good for rabbits. Most of the time rabbits like only raw pumpkin flesh. you can give pumpkin to them once or twice a week, 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s weight.

Overfeeding pumpkins can lead to health issues. so, moderation is the key. Don’t ever try to feed pumpkin seeds and stems. when you feed more pumpkins to your rabbits they will be addicted to them. it’s not a good sign for rabbits, because they can leave daily nutritious food hay, and grass.

Fresh water is a favorite drink of rabbits. In final word, all types of pumpkins are good for rabbits but need to be fed in moderation.

pumpkin types

Benefits of pumpkins for rabbits?

As we know, Pumpkins are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium, zinc, and beta-carotene are the main nutrients in pumpkins. These all nutrients are useful for a rabbit’s health. Now, we will know all the benefits of pumpkins for rabbits.

Pumpkins contain fiber which is good for rabbit’s digestive system. If rabbits eat pumpkin then there is no chance of obesity. You need to also take care of the pumpkin should be washed, before feeding your rabbits.

Pumpkins are also rich in beta-carotene. Beta carotene is one of the best antioxidants. It helps in many diseases. Beta carotene helps to reduce certain types of cancer in rabbits, avoid diabetes, and protect against asthma and heart diseases in rabbits. You must feed beta-carotene foods to rabbits.

Pumpkins also contain Vitamin A which is very important to feed rabbits. Vitamin A keeps good eyesight in rabbits. As you know pumpkin is good for overall rabbit’s health but needs to be in moderation. Moderation is a key to rabbit’s health.

As you know pumpkin contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. If you want to keep the immunity strong of your rabbits. Then definitely, you need to feed pumpkins because Pumpkin is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which is more beneficial for rabbit’s immunity. Vitamin A fights against bacteria and viruses in the rabbit’s body.

Vitamin C helps to recover faster from colds, coughs, and fever in rabbits.

Pumpkins contain soluble fiber which is most important for rabbit health. Soluble fiber prevents diarrhea in rabbits.

I have also talked about pumpkins containing more water, so if you feed more pumpkins to your rabbits it can cause problems. Therefore, you need to feed pumpkins only as a treat.

How Much can a rabbit eat pumpkin?

Pumpkin is a good food for rabbits, if we feed in moderation. Pumpkin has a bad side and also a good side for rabbits.

As I said before pumpkins have a lot of vitamins and minerals for rabbits. Rabbits like to eat more pumpkins but they are not good for their health.

If you feed pumpkins more often they could be addicted to it, and they can ignore their daily nutrients food. you can have pumpkin 1-2 times per week only.

More often pumpkins can cause health problems for your rabbits. you can have pumpkins for rabbits as an occasional treat.

Source: OneMorePlease YouTube channel

How To Feed Pumpkin To Your Rabbits?

As I said before, Pumpkin is a natural and healthy fruit for rabbits. As you know everything has a positive and negative side, Pumpkin also has a positive and negative side. If you feed pumpkin to your rabbit in moderation then pumpkin is good for rabbits.

cutting pumpkin in piece

Keep in mind that give them one food at a time. When feeding pumpkin to your rabbit then don’t give them other food that time.

can rabbits eat pumpkin plants?

Rabbits can eat pumpkin plants. But I recommend pumpkin plants are not good for a rabbit. Because it contains high calcium, which is not good for rabbit’s health. Rabbits don’t need more calcium. whatever food they eat daily that much calcium is enough for them.

Don’t need to give extra calcium because it can lead to health issues. Excess calcium is retained in the bladder in the form of crystals.

Urine may be diluted and paste-like. May also be inflammation in the bladder. so, pumpkin plants are not a healthy food for rabbits.

Can Rabbits eat pumpkin leaves?

Rabbits like to eat leafy greens. you can provide pumpkin leaves to your rabbits but in moderation. Pumpkin leaves contain calcium which is harmful to rabbits.

Too much calcium is not good for rabbit’s health. You can have pumpkin leaves for rabbits as a treat.

You can feed other leafy greens to your rabbits like Bok choy, basil, romaine lettuce, beet greens, broccoli greens, etc. These leafy greens are healthy for rabbit’s health. Even then feed these leafy greens in moderation.

Can Rabbits eat pumpkin seeds?

Yes, adult Rabbits can eat pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds contain nutrition vitamins A, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, and potassium. But, There is a problem with feeding pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed-sized are tiny and slippery, They can stuck in the rabbit’s neck and can create problems.

Therefore, it’s better to feed ground pumpkin seeds to your adult rabbits only as a treat.

Never feed pumpkin seeds and ground seeds to baby rabbits and juvenile rabbits. when they have become more than 7 months old you can feed them.

Pumpkin seeds also contain high fiber which is not good for your bunnies. It increases your rabbit’s weight quickly.

Now, from my final point of view don’t feed pumpkin seeds to your bunnies you can remove them. Only feed raw pumpkin flesh to your rabbits. It’s better than that!!!

Can rabbits eat pumpkin’s dried seeds?

Yes, adult rabbits can eat pumpkin-dried seeds, but seeds should be grounded. keep in mind moderation is the key to a rabbit’s health.

if you feed over seeds to your rabbits, it can increase rabbits’s weight quickly. so, you can avoid feeding pumpkin seeds to rabbits.

Never try to feed pumpkin-dried seeds to baby rabbits. dried seeds are not good for baby rabbits.

Can Rabbits eat pumpkin vines?

Never try to feed pumpkin vines to your rabbits, because it contains high calcium which is not good for your rabbit’s health.

High-calcium food Never try to feed your rabbits, it can create problems in your bunnies’ kidneys.

So, Pumpkin vines are very harmful to your rabbit’s health. you should feed only raw pumpkin flesh to your rabbits, not other parts of the pumpkin.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin Rind?

Yes, definitely rabbits can eat pumpkin rind. Pumpkin rind is not toxic for rabbits, it is beneficial for rabbit’s health. Because it contains high fiber, when your bunnies eat high-fiber food their digestion remains healthy and fit.

Keep in mind that you need to serve pumpkin rind in moderation and occasionally. Rabbits like pumpkin flesh rather than rind.

Sometimes rabbits don’t like to eat rind because its taste is not sweet. you don’t need to worry about if your bunnies do not like to eat pumpkin rind, it’s a common problem for all rabbits.

Keep in mind that you need to serve pumpkin flesh or pumpkin skin occasionally and in moderation.

Can rabbits eat cooked pumpkins?

Don’t ever try to feed cooked pumpkins to your rabbits. Rabbit digestion is more complex than human digestion. When you cook any vegetable, vegetable nutrition burns out.

if you feed cooked pumpkins to your rabbits, there is no benefit to your rabbit’s health. it can harm your rabbit’s health rather than benefit. And also it’s not good for your rabbit’s digestion.

Cooked food becomes hard to chew for your rabbits. Overall benefits found in raw vegetables. In my final point of view cooked pumpkins are not good for your adult rabbits and baby rabbits too.

Never try to feed cooked pumpkins to your bunnies.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin stems?

Never try to feed pumpkin stems to your rabbits, because it contains high calcium which is not good for your rabbit’s health.

High-calcium food Never try to feed your rabbits, it can create problems in your bunnies’ kidneys.

So, Pumpkin stems are very harmful to your rabbit’s health. you should feed only raw pumpkin flesh to your rabbits, not other parts of the pumpkin.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin pie?

Don’t ever try to feed pumpkin pie to your rabbits. Pumpkin pie is very bad for your rabbits. pumpkin pie contains salt, cold water, eggs, brown sugar, milk, and oil.

These all are bad for rabbits. never try to feed oily foods to rabbits. Pumpkin pie is very harmful to your rabbits. Only feed raw pumpkin flesh to rabbits as a treat.

don't feed pie to your rabbit.

Risk of overfeeding pumpkins for rabbits?

As we know the proverb Everything has good and bad sides, Pumpkins also have some good and bad sides to rabbits. As stated earlier Pumpkin is a healthy nutritious food for rabbits. Rabbits can & do raw pumpkin flesh.

I also shared, pumpkins’ bad side is that overfeeding pumpkins can cause health issues for rabbits.

we must take care of rabbit’s health. if we overfeed pumpkins to rabbits it can create a lot of problems. Pumpkin contains sugar, water, seeds, and also fiber.

Rabbits like sugar-sweet raw pumpkins which is good. But Don’t feed more sugar to rabbits, it can increase bacteria in the stomachs of the rabbits. we need to serve in moderation.

Never try to feed pumpkin seeds, because it is tiny and slippery.

if we feed seeds, it can lead to choking hazards for rabbits. Pumpkin contains high water content which is not good for rabbits.

It can cause diarrhea if we overfeed pumpkin to rabbits. We need to take care of rabbits all the time 24/7.

Health alternatives to pumpkins?

Good quality hay and/or grass, always available, should constitute the majority of rabbits’ diets.

– Rabbits graze, naturally eating grass/other plants for long periods, mainly at dawn and dusk.

– Rabbits’ digestive systems need grass and/or hay to function properly.

In this article, I have talked about rabbits’ main food should be hay and grass on a daily basis. such as timothy hay, orchard hay grass, oat hay, meadow hay, etc.

Only hay and grass are not enough for rabbits, fresh vegetables and fruits also need to feed rabbits. Also, a limited number of pallets should be in the rabbits’ daily intake.

These all are the main nutritious food for rabbits. Which vegetables and fruits are healthy for rabbits? You must know. Some of these are:-

Vegetables- Romaine lettuce, Bok choy, Carrot tops, Basil, Beet greens, Broccoli greens, Cucumber, Cauliflower, etc.

Fruits – Bananas, Grapes, Apples, Blackberries, Blueberries, Pears, Carrots, etc.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin skin?

Yes, definitely rabbits can eat pumpkin skin. Pumpkin skin is not toxic for rabbits, it is beneficial for rabbit’s health. Because it contains high fiber, when your bunnies eat high-fiber food their digestion remains healthy and fit.

Keep in mind that you need to serve pumpkin rind in moderation and occasionally. Rabbits like pumpkin flesh rather than skin.

Sometimes rabbits don’t like to eat skin because its taste is not sweet. you don’t need to worry about if your bunnies do not like to eat pumpkin skin, it’s a common problem for all rabbits.

Keep in mind that you need to serve pumpkin flesh or pumpkin skin occasionally and in moderation.

Do wild rabbits eat pumpkins?

Yes, wild rabbits eat pumpkins. Wild rabbit’s digestive system is very complex, they can digest any food as compared to domesticated rabbits.

Wild rabbits nibble leaves, flowers, and plants in the wild. wild rabbit’s favorite food is clover, grass, weeds, and twigs. they always enjoy in wild. They like other fruits and vegetables with pumpkins.

Wild rabbits can eat anything other than domesticated rabbits. They can easily digest the high meals. Wild rabbits don’t need much care. They can take care of themselves.

Can rabbits eat the whole pumpkin?

No, Rabbits can’t eat whole pumpkin at a time, because it is large. Don’t try to feed whole pumpkins to your rabbit always start with a small portion and check whether they like them or not.

If they like and there is no problem of any kind, you can increase slightly the quantity of pumpkin. Give them 1-2 tablespoons per week, of 2 pounds of your rabbit’s body weight.

Can baby rabbits eat pumpkins?

Never try to feed pumpkins to baby rabbits. Baby rabbits’ digestive system is very sensitive as compared to the adult rabbit. They can not digest this fruit.

If you feed forcefully, it can lead to problems in the digestive system. You can start feeding pumpkins in small amounts when they have become more than 4 months old.


Is pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?

Pumpkin is a fruit, because seeds remain inside the pumpkin.

Is it ok for rabbits to eat pumpkin?

Yes, it is ok for rabbits to eat pumpkin, but in moderation. Pumpkin is rich in vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium, and manganese.

Can rabbits eat raw pumpkin seeds and guts?

No, rabbits can’t eat raw pumpkin seeds and guts because it is not good for rabbit’s health. It contains more calcium because of rabbit’s weight can increase quickly.

What part of the pumpkin can rabbits eat?

Rabbits like raw pumpkin flesh as always. Rabbits can also eat pumpkin rind because it contains fiber which is good for their digestion.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin puree?

Yes, rabbits can eat pumpkin puree, but without seeds.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin flowers?

Yes, rabbits can eat pumpkin flowers, but in moderation. eating pumpkin flowers has no toxicity.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin scraps?

Yes, definitely rabbits can eat pumpkin scraps. But, scraps should be without seeds. pumpkin scraps are one of their favorite food.


Pumpkins are very nutritious food for rabbits Because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals and also different types of nutrients. you can have pumpkins for your rabbits but in moderation.

Pumpkins can help in overall health benefits for your rabbits. when you feed in moderation. overfeeding pumpkins can cause health problems.

Don’t ever try to feed pumpkins to your baby rabbits and juvenile rabbits. it is not beneficial for them. You can feed pumpkin only to adult rabbits, only as an occasional treat.

you can give pumpkin to your rabbit once or twice a week per two pounds of your rabbit’s body weight. This is a great quantity for rabbits!!!

In today’s article, I have shared, a complete piece of advice on whether can rabbits eat pumpkins.

I have shared complete knowledge about rabbits’ health benefits, and health issues, and also a feeding guide.

I hope every user will benefit from this article and, will also be able to take care of your rabbit. Keep following our article and stay healthy and fit.

Feel free to share your feedback. If you have any issues or any kind of questions, you can comment below. Thank you!!!!!

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